
Friday, January 25, 2013

This Week in Favs - 1.25.2013

Playing on the Zune: Night of the Hunter by 30 Seconds to Mars
Social Media, Blogging, and Author Websites

A Tip for Getting Readers to Your Blog by Lucille Zimmerman on WordServe Water Cooler

Social Media Just for Writers by Stina Lindenblatt

Character Development: Morals & Ideology by Ava Jae

Writer Wednesday: Goodreads vs. Facebook Ads - an Experiment - Part I and Part II by Angela Quarles

The Power of a Reader's Word of Mouth by Jody Hedlund

On Writing Craft
Three Steps for Creating Believable Character Emotions by Marcy Kennedy

Researching Your Novel: Dos and Don'ts by Carolyn Kaufman

13 Writing Lessons from Stephen King's On Writing on Writers Write

Why Cliffhangers Keep Your Readers in Your Raft by J.E. Fishman on Men With Pens

Will Omniscient POV Ever Be Popular Again? by Jami Gold

What I Learned While Writing My First Sequel by Amy Christine Parker

How Can We Avoid Cookie-Cutter Writing? by Jody Hedlund
Inspiration for Writers 

On Editing, Critiquing, and Querying
The Industry and More...
E-Books Destroying Traditional Publishing? The Story's Not That Simple by Zoe Chance on NPR

Deciding Between Traditional and Self-Publishing by Rachelle Gardner

25 Hard Truths About Writing and Publishing by Chuck Wendig

8 Ways to Help Your Favorite Author by Rachelle Gardner

Enemies of Art Part 1 - Approval Addiction and Enemies of Art Part 2 - Psychic Vampires by Kristen Lamb

The Wrong Goodbye of Barnes and Noble on The Passive Voice

A Rejection Doesn't Mean the Industry Is Out to Get You by Scott Eagan

Self-Publishing Success Stories: The Anatomy of a Kindle Bestseller on The Creative Penn

A Few Posts Every Writer Should Read
Other Weekly Round-Ups
 The Author Chronicles’ Top Picks Thursday

Roni Loren’s Fill-Me-In Friday

Elizabeth S. Craig’s Twitterific (compilation of all writing links she’s shared this week – updated on Sundays)
This Week on the Blog...
Happy Reading & Writing, Everyone!