
Thursday, September 6, 2012

This Week in Favs…

Playing on the Zune: Welcome to England by Tori Amos

Social Media and Author Websites

Six Essential Tips for Getting Your Guest Posts Accepted by Ali Luke on Write to Done

6 Tips for Successful Networking by Rachelle Gardner

How to Build a Readership for Your Blog and Books by Jody Hedlund

3 Reasons Why Coercing Readers Into Newsletter Subscriptions is a Bad Idea by Roni Loren

Social Clear-Cutting – Can Our Social Media Behaviors Destroy Our Social Environment by Kristen Lamb

A 10-Point Plan for Connecting with Online Influencers (Without Turning into a Suck-Up) by Sonia Simone on Copyblogger

Discovering Your Author Brand by Stina Lindenblatt

Why Every Author Should be Guest Posting by Ali Luke on Aliventures

On the Craft 

Plotting, Pantsing and Plantsing: Finding What Makes You Tick by August McLaughlin

How to Become a Better Writer by Rachelle Gardner

Are Your Characters Based on Real People? by Jami Gold

What’s Your Vision? by Jodi Meadows on Pub(lising) Crawl

Character Development: Exploiting Weaknesses by Ava Jae on Writability

Is Your Scene Break a Lying, Cheating Fraud? by K.M. Weiland on Wordplay

It’s Not Just About the Writing by Martina Boone on Adventures in YA & Children’s Publishing

Ten Guidelines for Co-Writing on Romance Writers Behaving Badly

Flip the Script: End Anywhere by Jael McHenry on Writer Unboxed

Writing Mistake: Are Your Characters Invincible by Ava Jae on Writability

Five Smarter Habits of Great Writers by Joe Bunting on Write to Done

Commas and Dashes and Colons (oh my!) by Linda Gray on Write of Passage

Writerly Inspiration 

Don’t Hit the Snooze Button on Writing Biz Success on Left-Brained Business for Write-Brained People

WOW Wednesday: Nikki Loftin on Writing Big or Going Home on Adventures in YA & Children’s Publishing

Fall – Season of Renewed Hope and Commitment by Yelena Casale

7 Tips for Keeping Your Motivation as a Writer by Roz Morris on Nail Your Novel

On Editing, Critiquing, Querying, Publishing and more… 

Guest Author Alex Hughes: How to Revise a Novel on The Other Side of the Story with Janice Hardy

In Publishing, You Need Patience; Things Take A LOT of Time by Scott Eagan

What to Do When People Don’t Get Your Story by Jody Hedlund

Pitch to Win! by Michael Ehret on Novel Rocket

Why Every Author Needs a Professional Photo – Guest Post by Brent Foster on Marcy Kennedy’s blog

Writing Contest for Published and Unpublished Authors (Maryland Romance Writers) by Christi Barth

Submission Dos and Don’ts by Nephele on The Knight Agency blog

How to Deal With Revision Fatigue by Nathan Bransford

The Death of Genre: Drifting Toward a Post-Genre Future by Chuck Wendig

How to Be a Know-It-All by Jane Lebak on QueryTracker

Ways to Become an Insecure Writer by Lynda R. Young on W.I.P. It: an Author’s Journey

Ownership in the Digital Age, Part 1 on Dear Author

Other Round-Ups

The Author Chronicles’ Top Picks Thursday

Stina Lindenblatt’s Cool Links Friday

Roni Loren’s Fill-Me-In Friday

Elizabeth S. Craig’s Twitterific (compilation of all the writing links she’s shared this week – updated on Sundays)

This week on the blog: 

IMC, August, 2012 043

 My Guest Posts This Week: 

IMC, August, 2012 085

IMC, August, 2012 036

Happy Reading and Writing, everyone!!!
