
Thursday, June 21, 2012

This Week in Favs….

So sorry for the absence this week. Been hitting it hard with the new workout routine while deep in editing mode. Stressful? Nah….it’s all a piece of cake! ;0)

Playing on the Zune: Start Me Up by The Rolling Stones

Social Media and Author Websites

 7 Reasons to Quit Balking & Start Blogging, guest post by Heather Kopp on Rachelle Gardner’s blog                         

How to Keep Your Blog Readers Coming Back for More by Stanford Smithat on Pushing Social    

Self-Promotion: An Author’s Perspective and Guide by Susan Dennard on Pub(lishing) Crawl  

Should Unpublished Novelists be Platform-Building? By Rachelle Gardner    

Checklist: 7 Things You Have to Do to Write Unforgettable Articles on Write to Done               

The Great Twitter Experiment: What Does “More Tweets” Really Get You? on The Other Side of the Story with Janice Hardy                                                     

40 Twitter Hashtags for Writers by Simon Kewin on Daily Writing Tips       

On the Craft

3 Steps for Taking Your Writing to the Next Level by Amie Kaufman on Pub(lishing) Crawl

The Rules of Storytelling, Pixar Style by Rachel Scheller on Writer’s Digest

It’s Time to Declutter Your Writing by Jeff Goins               

25 Things You Should Know About Writing Fantasy by Chuck Wendig                     

“Your Structure is Off…” – What Does That Even ‘Mean’? by Larry Brooks on Storyfix    

Spice Up Your Fiction – Simple Ways to Create Page-Turning Conflict by Kristen Lamb                  

Scene Structure: How to Write Turning Points by Courtney Carpenter on Writer’s Digest

Why You Need to Stop Rewriting by Ava Jae on Writability          

On My Writerly Bookshelf by Stina Lindenblatt on Seeing Creative           

How to Improve Your Story with Specificity by K.M. Weiland     

3 Myths About Villains by Angela Ackerman on            

The Four Story Pillars by Amy Deardon on      

Writerly Inspiration

Blog Takeover: Angela Ackerman Shares the Key to Success (I Promise!) on The Other Side of the Story with Janice Hardy               

What To Do When You Feel Like a Lousy Writer by Jody Hedlund              

Letter to a Writer Who is Losing Confidence by Roz Morris on Nail Your Novel                                    

On Editing, Critiquing, Querying, Publishing and more…

What Do We “Owe” New Writers? by Jami Gold

How to Maximize eBook Royalties and Minimize Hassles by Ray Rhamey on Writer Unboxed

Understanding Revisions: What You Get and What the Editors/Agents Want by Scott Eagan

What Do Readers Want More: Quantity or Quality? By Jody Hedlund            

The 5 Stages of Editing Grief by Lynda R. Young on W.I.P. It: an Author’s Journey  

What Should be on a Writer’s Reading List? By Michelle Ule                                              

Other Round-Ups

The Author Chronicles’ Top Picks Thursday

Stina Lindenblatt’s Cool Links Friday

Roni Loren’s Fill-Me-In Friday

Elizabeth S. Craig’s Twitterific (compilation of all the writing links she’s shared this week – updated on Sundays)

What I’m Looking Forward to This Summer:
Since there was no post this week on the blog, I’d like to share with you a few things I’m looking forward to this summer.  :0)

Continuation of P90X throughout the ENTIRE summer
*Finish line is scheduled for 17 September 2012

*Released on June 15th

*Releasing 3 July 2012

*Releasing 6 July 2012

Shadow of Night by Deborah Harkness (been waiting since Feb 2011 for this one!)
*Releasing 10 July 2012

*Releasing 13 July 2012

The Expendables 2 (been waiting 6 months for this one!)
*Releasing 17 August 2012

*and a chance to finally meet and hang with my Editing Partner

*Releases 25 September 2012 (technically not summer time, but looking forward to it nonetheless)

Happy Reading and Writing, everyone!!!
