
Thursday, June 14, 2012

This Week in Favs…..

Playing on the Zune: Polyamorous by Breaking Benjamin

Social Media and Author Websites

You’ve Got Questions – Do Writers Need to Blog? by Amber West

The Important of Showing Personality by Lynda R. Young

Lessons Learned Over 11 Years of Blogging, guest post by Chris Brogan on Aliventures

Investment vs. Payoff: Is Blogging Worth the Time? by Roni Loren

Coming Clean about My Twitter Success, guest post by Claude Bouchard on Live Write Thrive

On the Craft

Avoid Time Sinks: Ways to be a More Productive Writer, Part 6 on The Other Side of the Story with Janice Hardy

Write Tip: Surprise v. Suspense, guest post by Bryan Thomas Schmidt on Mystery Writing is Murder

12 Tips to Help Overcome Writer’s Block by Zac Johnson

Deep POV: Lesson Two, guest post by Karen Witemeyer on Seriously Write

Want to Be a Better Writer? Just Write, guest post by Elana Johnson on Adventures in YA & Children’s Publishing

5 Ways Writers Get Lazy by Jody Hedlund

World-Building: The Hooks of Magic in Your Book, guest post by Martina Boone

What Should We Look for in a Beta Reader? by Jami Gold

Using Setting as a Character: a Tip for Novelists, guest post by Marylu Tyndall on Rachelle Gardner’s blog

The REAL Secret of Best-Sellers by Kathryn Lilley on The Kill Zone

Writerly Inspiration
5 Ways to Get Out of the Comfort Zone and Become a Stronger Writer by Kristen Lamb

25 Reasons this is the Best Time to be a Storyteller by Chuck Wendig

One Virtues and Struggles of Perseverance and Discipline by Yelena Casale

On Editing, Critiquing, Querying, Publishing and more…

Self-Publishing and Writerly Etiquette by Imelda Evans

The Devil’s in the Detail…At Least When it Comes to Polishing a Manuscript, guest post by Susan Sipal on Adventures in YA & Children’s Publishing

Can Writers Earn a Living Writing Just One Book a Year? by Jody Hedlund

Publishy Questions – Inquiring Minds Wanna Know… by Lynn Price on The Behler Blog

Are the Demands on the Modern Writer Growing Unbearable? by Jody Hedlund

Five Ways to Find the Right Publisher for Your Book by Cheryl Reif

Mythology in Urban Fantasy by Leo on Fantasy Faction

A Query by Design, guest post by Janice Hardy on Between the Sheets

Other Round-Ups
The Author Chronicles’ Top Picks Thursday

Stina Lindenblatt’s Cool Links Friday

Roni Loren’s Fill-Me-In Friday

Elizabeth S. Craig’s Twitterific (compilation of all the writing links she’s shared this week – updated on Sundays)

This week on the blog: 

Photo Credit

Happy Reading and Writing, everyone!!!
