
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Love, Music, and John Lennon

Today I’m over at Yelena Casale’s blog talking about the music that inspires the muse. The post even comes with mini playlists for high emotional scenes, and YouTube links to each song so you can listen before purchasing the tunes. Please head over, visit with me and Yelena, and share some of your favorite muse-inspiring music. :) 

When Yelena asked me to do a guest post on her blog, I honestly wasn’t sure what I’d talk about. The craft? Yes, I could’ve written about that. But when I really sat and thought about what I really, really would rather share with others, what's in my heart and what's been there since the day I was born, I got my answer in a ring tone on my phone when my hubby called: Everything by Lifehouse.
The hubs and I didn't go with any traditional wedding songs. Our family was seated to What a Wonderful World by Louie Armstrong, the entire wedding party - and me - walked into Everything by Lifehouse, and after we sealed our marriage with a kiss, we walked away from the alter to Bittersweet Symphony by The Verve.
So ... there was my answer! So simple. So perfect. So very ... me! :)
Since I was writing about music over on Yelena's blog, I decided to also write a small post about music over here, more or less to explain that choice and to share a part of my background and history and love of it.
And that brought me around to John Lennon. Because he and the rest of The Beatles are the reason why I have such a profound love of music.
I wasn’t around at the time of John Lennon’s death, but based on the articles I’ve read and the documentaries I’ve seen, John Lennon’s death represented more than the loss of a beloved man who was known around the world. More than the loss of a man who didn’t see color.
His death represented a HUGE loss to the art of musical expression. In the days following his death, thousands of people appeared outside his residence and both mourned his death, and celebrated his life, his music, and his fearlessness.
John Lennon taught the world the power of music. The power of standing up for what’s right, saying what needs to be said - no matter the consequences. The power of word choice, and how we can and should stand up for what needs to change. 
For me, personally, he taught me how to use music to tap into my subconscious and write my truth. He taught me how to love – unconditionally.
Granted, he wasn’t a perfect man. And he never claimed to be. That’s what I find so incredible about John Lennon. All he wanted was peace and love, which is part of the reason why the following moments make me think of him and his music and its influence in my life: Valentine’s Day (because it's all about l'amour), December 8th (his date of death), and whenever I hear a song with so much truth, so much emotion and heart.
So while we're enjoying Valentine's Day by sharing some one-on-one time with the ones we love, let's try to remember that that's what life's all about: loving one another.
I'd love to see you over on Yelena's blog! Remember to stop by and leave a comment if you can.
Happy Writing!