
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Disappearing Acts and Amazing News

This is our eldest cat, Dusty. Ain't he cute? :)
Can anyone tell me what happened to the month of November? I feel as though it managed to arrive, but the month didn't take its shoes off, kick its feet on the coffee table and stay a while. November barely stepped its foot in the door before it disappeared and December came running in.

Or is this just me? :)

So.... yes, I kinda disappeared on everyone last week. And I'm so, so, sorry about that. I managed to get my Tuesday post up and running, but then Friday's? Heh.... yea... it apparently wasn't in the cards for me to get home in time to put the links together. Nor for me to have the energy to stay awake the second my but hit a chair.

The reason for this is because there is some amazing news on the horizon for the hubs and I, and I absolutely cannot wait to share it with all of you! Which should be right at Christmas, because I really, really don't want to share too early and jinx it all.

So in the meantime, please bear with me and my random disappearing acts. I'm trying my best to get through this busy, busy month of holidays and insane-yet-awesome personal matters... and trying my damndest to get through it all in one piece. :)

But I do promise that this Friday there will be a weekly round-up of writing posts! So until then... *raises wine glass* be safe, be happy, be peaceful, and be writerly. ;)