
Thursday, December 13, 2012

This Week in Favs…

Playing on the Zune:  Follow Me by Muse

Social Media and Author Websites

9 Amazing Blogs for Writers on Mythic Scribes

On the Craft

How to Keep Your Audience Interested by Writing Long-Term Story Arcs on Copyblogger

What Does It Really Take to Be a Die-Hard Writer? by Jody Hedlund

The Writing Toolbox on Thinking Through Our Fingers

5 Things a Writer Can Do to Evolve by Angela Ackerman on W.I.P. It

My Favorite Writing Advice – Write Like a Mother****er by Shelli Johnson

Choosing a Story Idea: 4 Questions Every Romance Writer Should Ask Themselves by Courtney Carpenter

When It’s Time to Let Go: Abandoning a Novel by Jordon McCollum

Writerly Inspiration

Inspiration and Costs by Scott Tracey

Ten Tips for Taking Time Off by Wendy Lawson

Living on the Edge of Confidence and Self-Doubt by Nathan Bransford

5 Ways to Deal With Failure by Rachelle Gardner

On Editing, Critiquing, Querying, Publishing and more…

10 Crazy Things People Say to Writers on Fiction Notes

The More You Learn, The More You Realize You Have a Long Way to Go by Scott Eagan

10 New Year’s Resolutions for Writers by Keith Cronin

How Do We Handle Rejection and Keep on Pressing? by Kristen Lamb

Can Writers Reuse Their Own Work? by Jami Gold

What Genre Will be Red Hot in 2013? on Smexy Books Romance Reviews

10 Writing (and Life) Lessons I Learned From My Dog by Jenny Hansen

Perfecting the Query Letter Part 4 by Lynette Labelle

Are Ebooks Changing How We Write? by Kevin McLaughlin

How Do You Find a Literary Agent? by Rachelle Gardner

Gifts for Writers by Nephele Temptest

Five Tips to Determine If Your Manuscript is Ready to Send Out or “But My Mother Loves My Book…” on Where Writers Win

Fan Fiction to Published Book: A Case Study by Jami Gold

Tips for Greater Productivity, Part 2 by Annie Neugebauer

How to Ignore an Editor’s Suggestions and Still Fix Your Novel by Roz Morris

Other Round-Ups
The Author Chronicles’ Top Picks Thursday

Stina Lindenblatt’s Cool Links Friday

Roni Loren’s Fill-Me-In Friday

Elizabeth S. Craig’s Twitterific (compilation of all the writing links she’s shared this week – updated on Sundays)

Just For Laughs:
Here’s one of the latest Simon’s Cat cartoons

Happy Reading and Writing, everyone!!!


Thursday, December 6, 2012

This Week in Favs…

Playing on the Zune: Had Enough by Breaking Benjamin

Social Media and Author Websites

The Forest Gump Guide to Attracting Readers and Becoming a Legend by Stanford on Pushing Social

Hashtags to Connect With Readers on Fiction Notes

On the Craft

Knowledge is Power But Story is King by Mooderino

Creativity Advice from by Mike Mullin

Could You Write the Next ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’? on Write to Done

Adapting Story Structure for Any Project on The Bookshelf Muse

Writing the Heart of Your Story by Joanna Penn

Actions and Reactions: The End-All-Be-All of Storytelling by Jami Gold

The Secret To a Successful Concept by Larry Brooks

How to Write Smart, Not Fast on Write to Done

NaNo Wrap-up, Part 2: Can Slow Writers Win Too? by Jami Gold

Writerly Inspiration

NaNoWriMo Next Steps: Bringing Books to Life by Cate Russell-Cole

Healing Creative Injuries by Cate Russell-Cole

On Editing, Critiquing, Querying, Publishing and more…

Procrastination: Don’t Put Off Dealing With It on The Writer’s Relief

21 Ways to Support Your Favorite Authors, Bloggers and Artists by Janet Boyer

The Fine Art of Conquering Impatience by C.S. Lakin

Why The End Isn’t The End by Tawna Fenske

Change is Not the Enemy on Writer Unboxed

The Victims of the Penguin & Random House Merger: Literary Agents by Ella Delany

From Debut to Multi-Published: What I’ve Learned In My 1st Year as a Published Author by Roni Loren

How to Survive a Critique by Marcy Kennedy

Other Round-Ups
The Author Chronicles’ Top Picks Thursday

Stina Lindenblatt’s Cool Links Friday

Roni Loren’s Fill-Me-In Friday

Elizabeth S. Craig’s Twitterific
(compilation of all the writing links she’s shared this week – updated on Sundays)

This week on the blog:

 Happy Reading and Writing, everyone!!!


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Disappearing Acts and Amazing News

This is our eldest cat, Dusty. Ain't he cute? :)
Can anyone tell me what happened to the month of November? I feel as though it managed to arrive, but the month didn't take its shoes off, kick its feet on the coffee table and stay a while. November barely stepped its foot in the door before it disappeared and December came running in.

Or is this just me? :)

So.... yes, I kinda disappeared on everyone last week. And I'm so, so, sorry about that. I managed to get my Tuesday post up and running, but then Friday's? Heh.... yea... it apparently wasn't in the cards for me to get home in time to put the links together. Nor for me to have the energy to stay awake the second my but hit a chair.

The reason for this is because there is some amazing news on the horizon for the hubs and I, and I absolutely cannot wait to share it with all of you! Which should be right at Christmas, because I really, really don't want to share too early and jinx it all.

So in the meantime, please bear with me and my random disappearing acts. I'm trying my best to get through this busy, busy month of holidays and insane-yet-awesome personal matters... and trying my damndest to get through it all in one piece. :)

But I do promise that this Friday there will be a weekly round-up of writing posts! So until then... *raises wine glass* be safe, be happy, be peaceful, and be writerly. ;)