
Thursday, November 8, 2012

This Week in Favs….

Playing on the Zune: You Call Me a Bitch Like It’s a Bad Thing by Halestorm

Social Media and Author Websites
How to Use Google+ as an Author Platform on Write to Done

3 Social Media Myths that Can Cripple Our Author Platform by Kristen Lamb

Which is the Best Social Media for Connecting With Readers? by Jody Hedlund

Are Writers Too Insulated from Their Readers? guest post by Mike Duran on Rachelle Gardner’s blog

On the Craft
“When” Are You Telling? The Trouble with When Statements by Janice Hardy

In Storytelling, Emotion Trumps All by S.P. Sipal

Hiding in the Writing Closet: Good or Bad? by Jody Hedlund

Characters We Love to Write (and Read!) by Martina Boone

Who to Write Compelling Antagonists by K.M. Weiland

Three Commons Dialogue Challenges and How to Beat Them by Marcy Kennedy

Guest Author Paul Anthony Shortt: First Steps on The Other Side of the Story with Janice Hardy

Writerly Inspiration

Why It’s Not the Critic Who Matters by Shelli Johnson

Life Lessons from the “Epic Road Trip” by Jami Gold

Losing Perspective on Your Writing: Does This Sing or Suck? by Roni Loren

On Editing, Critiquing, Querying, Publishing and more…
Why I Signed With a Traditional Publisher by Livia Blackburne

Learning to Love the Pitch by Sara Pinneo

Manners Matter: 13 Etiquette Tips by Rachelle Gardner

Writer’s Roadmap – Using Excel to Keep Your Novel Organized by Laura Drake

Most New Authors Sell Fewer than 100 Books – But You Can Sell Much, Much More! on Write to Done

2 Ways Your Brain is Wired to Undermine Your Story – And What To Do About It by Lisa Cron

Write Strong – Is Your Dialogue Doing Double Duty? by Shannon Donnelly

Other Round-Ups
The Author Chronicles’ Top Picks Thursday

Stina Lindenblatt’s Cool Links Friday

Roni Loren’s Fill-Me-In Friday

Elizabeth S. Craig’s Twitterific (compilation of all the writing links she’s shared this week – updated on Sundays)

This week on the blog:


Happy Reading and Writing, everyone!!!
