
Thursday, November 1, 2012

This Week in Favs…

Playing on the Zune: Peace of Mind by Boston

Social Media and Author Websites

Is Blogging Important for Novelists Considering Self-Publishing? by Jody Hedlund

Should All Authors Blog? by Rachelle Gardner

On the Craft

Why It’s More Important Than Ever to Master Your Craft by Rachelle Gardner

Technical Tuesday Writing Tips Presents Outlining: Characters, Creating the Protagonist, Hir or Her Character Sketch and Backstory by Kim Cox

Add a Pinch – or a Pound – of Poetry to Your Prose by Janice Hardy

ABC’s of Writing – (L)ayering Adds Depth by Scott Eagan

9 Tips for Creating a Compelling Novel by Jody Hedlund
Structure Part 8 – Balancing the Scenes that Make Up Your Novel by Kristen Lamb
My Favorite Points of View – Guest Post by Bill Hopkins on Mystery Writing is Murder
When Not to Use Your Antagonist’s POV by K.M. Weiland
Always Write Terrible First Drafts by Carolyn Kaufman
Write Romance? Get Your Beat Sheet Here! by Jami Gold
How to Write Dialogue Unique to Your Characters by Marcy Kennedy

Writerly Inspiration

If You Write What You Know, Where Do You Get Ideas? by Roz Morris
9 Reasons to Quit Writing by Rachelle Gardner
Beginning at the End by Biljana Likic
21 Unexpected Places to Find Your Writer’s Muse on Write to Done

On Editing, Critiquing, Querying, Publishing and more…

Some Things I Didn’t Know About Self-Publishing by Mhairi Simpson

Getting Your Book Noticed in Today’s Changing Marketplace by Stina Lendenblatt

Field Report From the E-Book Revolution #2 by James Scott Bell

Reason Why Your Non-Writer Friends Think You’re Crazy by Veronica Roth

About Copywriting Ideas and Titles on The Behler Blog
Should Authors Stalk Review Sites? by Jody Hedlund
Adventures in Editing: A Tale of Wonderment by Lydia Sharp
Do Publishers Need to Offer More Value to Authors? by Jane Friedman

Other Round-Ups

The Author Chronicles’ Top Picks Thursday

Stina Lindenblatt’s Cool Links Friday

Roni Loren’s Fill-Me-In Friday

Elizabeth S. Craig’s Twitterific (compilation of all the writing links she’s shared this week – updated on Sundays)

This week on the blog:

Happy Reading and Writing, everyone!!!
