
Friday, August 31, 2012

This Week In Favs….And the Winner of The Emotion Thesaurus PDF Giveaway!

 The winner of The Emotion Thesaurus PDF giveaway is *drumroll*……… *more drumroll*……..


Congratulations, Susan! *throws confetti*

Angela will send over your winnings soon! :)

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Now, onto this week’s weekly round-up of writerly blogs!

Playing on the Zune: All In by Lifehouse

**As promised, because I’ve missed the last two weeks of round-ups, we have an extra, extra, extra helping of writing blogs on the round-up this week!!!


Social Media and Author Websites

 20 Economical Book Marketing Techniques on Self-Publishing Review

13 Simple Tips for a Better Blog by Rachelle Gardner

Thoughtful Blog Reading: Habits and Perks by August McLaughlin

Should You Preschedule Tweets? by Meghan Ward on Writerland

8 Tips for Promoting Your Book Online by Rachelle Gardner

‘Social’ Media: Author Ignorance by Porter Anderson on Writer Unboxed

Top Five Creepy Social Media Marketing Tactics by Kristen Lamb

 On the Craft  
Great Characters – The Beating Heart of Great Fiction by Kristen Lamb on Warrior Writers

Spotlight on Subtext: When Characters Are Liars, guest post by Angela Ackerman on Jami Gold’s blog

Michael Hauge’s Workshop: Are These Characters the Perfect Match? by Jami Gold

Michael Hauge’s Workshop: Combining Emotional Journeys and External Plots by Jami Gold

The Inner Struggle: Guides for Using Inner Conflict that Make Sense by Janice Hardy

How to Outline a Story by Lynda R. Young on W.I.P. It: An Author’s Journey

5 Reasons Why Your Opening Scene is Like a Blind Date by Marissa on Adventures in YA & Children’s Publishing

25 Things You Should Know About Metaphor by Chuck Wendig

Writing Lessons Learned from WHERE IT BEGAN by Julie Musil

Character Arcs? by C.S. Lakin on Live Write Thrive

8 Ways to Write Without Every Touching the Keyboard by Marissa on Adventures in YA & Children’s Publishing

Folks Talk About a Writer’s Toolbox, but Do You Actually Have One? by Angela Quarles

Too Many “Cooks” In Our Fiction: The Biggest Lesson I Learned from Book One by August McLaughlin

The Uncomfortable Pantser: When Your Method Doesn’t Fit Your Personality by Roni Loren

Obstacles in Stories: 3 Ways to Turn Hills into Mountains by Jody Hedlund

Beware of This Sly Writer’s Enemy by Jody Hedlund

What is Keeping Your Heroine and Hero Apart? Is it Enough? by Scott Eagan

Finding Your Novel’s Theme and Your Universal Theme by Roni Loren

2 + 5 = 5 – Adding Up by Lynn Price on the Behler Blog

Make Your Reader Uncomfortable by C. Hope Clark

How Does Your Villain Grow? by Lynette Labelle

12 Lessons Learned from 12 Years of Writing by Demian Farnworth on Copyblogger

How to Create Conflict in a One Character Scene by Lynette Labelle

Ask a Writer: “How Do I Write What the Audience Wants to Read?” by Chuck Wendig

5 Basics About Dialogue You Need to Know by Marcy Kennedy

You’re Reading It Wrong: How to Not Treat Your Readers by Daniel Swensen

The Power of THEME, guest post by Dr. John Yeoman on The Bookshelf Muse

 Writerly Inspiration

I Believe I Am Really a Writer by James Scott Bell

This Product Prevents Literary Wedgies. Good for Multiple Users by Jan O’Hara on Writer Unboxed

The Care and Feeding of Writers by Lynda R. Young on W.I.P. It: An Author’s Journey

12 Sure-Fire Ways to Find Great Ideas for Your Writing by Ali on Aliventures

The Writer’s Golden Hour: Making the Most of Our Time by August McLaughlin

Start Doing What You Love Right Now! by Jody Hedlund

Michael Hauge’s Workshop: You’re the Hero of Your Life by Jami Gold

 On Editing, Critiquing, Querying, Publishing and more…

The Publishing Process in GIF Form by Nathan Brandford

Bookstores vs. Backlist: A New Decision by Jami Gold

Book Signings Beyond the Bookstore by Joan Rhine on Left-Brained Business for Write-Brained People

What it Feels Like When Your Writing is Rejected – and How to Bounce Back by Ali on Aliventures

Tips to Indie Success by Tonya Kappes

Staying Balanced in the Confusing Modern Industry by Jody Hedlund

Common Reasons for Rejection by Scott Eagan

How to Use Brainstorming to Edit by Ava Jae on Writability

5 Key Qualities of the High-Value Writer by Jenny Hansen

 Indie Author Advises to “Just Do It”, guest post by Dan Holloway on Live Write Thrive

If You Can’t Say It Succinctly Then Don’t Say It At All by Lydia Sharp

When to Stop Fine Tuning by Lisa Gail Green

 Other Round-Ups

The Author Chronicles’ Top Picks Thursday

Stina Lindenblatt’s Cool Links Friday

Roni Loren’s Fill-Me-In Friday

Elizabeth S. Craig’s Twitterific (compilation of all the writing links she’s shared this week – updated on Sundays)

This week on the blog: 

Photo by Lynn Kelley via WANA Commons

Happy Reading and Writing, everyone!!!