
Thursday, July 26, 2012

This Week in Favs….

Playing on the Zune: Welcome to England by Tori Amos


Social Media and Author Websites

Bloggers Beware: You CAN Get Sued for Using Pics on Your Blog – My Story by Roni Loren ß SUPER Important post! Please read!


5 Ways to Make Google Your "Assistant Publicist" by C.S. Lakin on Live Write Thrive


Reluctant to Join Social Media? by Angela Ackerman on The Bookshelf Muse


The Most Effective Book Advertising Tool Ever…And It's Free by Jonathan Gunson on Bestseller Labs


Tech Notes – HootSuite for Twittering Self-Marketers by Rob Mahan



On the Craft 

4 Ways to Improve Plot/Climax in Your Writing by Jeff Gerke on Writer's Digest


The Moment that Makes or Breaks Your Story by Larry Brooks on Storyfix


22 Rules of Storytelling, Part Four by Tabitha Oslon


The #1 Secret of Great Writers on Write to Done


Internal Medicine: How Much Internalization is Too Much? on The Other Side of the Story with Janice Hardy


Put Your Readers in Your POV Character's Skin, guest post by Margie Lawson, on the Writers in the Storm blog


From Newbie to Published: 12 Tips, guest post by Tiffany Allee on Jami Gold's blog


The Saga of Davi Rhii – Keeping a Sequel Fresh, guest post by Bryan Thomas Schmidt on Dana's Dragon Note



Writerly Inspiration


Go Big or Go Home by C. Hope Clark


Teresa Frohock Throws Down the Gauntlet to Herself, guest post by Teresa Frohock on Staffer's Book Review (check out the first chapter of Teresa's new WIP, The Garden, here)


Are You Brave Enough to Take Responsibility for Your Actions? by Marcy Kennedy


What if Our Publishing Dreams Don't Come True? by Julie Musil


47 Things You Should Never Apologize For by Pam Asberry on Sometimes It's Cloudy, Sometimes It's Clear



On Editing, Critiquing, Querying, Publishing and more…

After the First Draft: Part 1 by Mooderino on Moody Writing


5 Mistakes Killing Self-Published Authors by Kristen Lamb 


How (Not) to Get Traditionally Published by Ava Jae


How to Publicize and Promote Your Book by Chuck Sambuchino on Writer Unboxed


How Self-Publishing has Helped All Writers – Welcome to the Revolution by Kristen Lamb


Five Lessons from a Book Tour Newbie, guest post by Suzanne Johnson on Jami Gold's blog



Other Round-Ups

Stina Lindenblatt's Cool Links Friday

Roni Loren's Fill-Me-In Friday

Elizabeth S. Craig's Twitterific (compilation of all the writing links she's shared this week – updated on Sundays)



This week on the blog: 


Photo By: Doug Wheller




Happy Reading and Writing, everyone!!!
