
Thursday, July 19, 2012

This Week in Favs….

This week’s list is going to be a little short. I’ve been trying to get caught on sooooo much between social media and writing and the dayjob. So next week we’ll be back to normal with at least 25 writing links! :0)

Playing on the Zune: Reckless Abandonment by The Spill Canvas

Social Media and Author Websites

Twitter Tips and Tricks by Talli Roland on The Writer’s Guide to E-Publishing

On the Craft

Writing Tips from Twitter Folks (#WriteTip) by Tina Moss
Why Packing for a Trip is Like Writing – Do It With Purpose or It Can Cost You by Angela Quarles
Re-Versioning, Not Retelling by Sophie Masson on Writer Unboxed
Are You a Real Writer? By Carolyn Kaufman on
Why Your Hero Needs a Yappy Sidekick by K.M. Weiland on Wordplay
Magic Mike’s Guide to Seducing Your Audience (and Leave Them Panting for More) by Betsy Talbot on Copyblogger
Tying Up Loose Ends – Don’t Let Your Reader Down by Scott Eagan
3 Ways to Create Characters that Grip Readers’ Hearts by Jody Hedlund
7 Tips for Crafting a Believable Fantasy, guest post by Leah Cypess on Adventures in YA & Children’s Publishing

3 Ways The Emotion Thesaurus Helps You Write Better by Marcy Kennedy

Using GMC to Add Romantic Tension, guest post by Martina Boone on Joan Swan’s blog

Designing from Bones – Fantasy Realms of the Real World by Gene Lempp

What is Commercial Fiction by Annie Neugebauer

Writerly Inspiration

Why We Write: Four Reasons by Joe Bunting on The Write Practice

In the Beginning…. by Ann Aguirre on Writer Unboxed

On Editing, Critiquing, Querying, Publishing and more…

Defining the Category of Your Novel in the New Age of Publishing by Randy Ingermanson

4 Tenets of Self-Publishing and 4 Essential Resources by Fabio Bueno
An Author Speaks Out by Lynn Price on the Behler Blog
An Industry on the Brink – Five Mistakes that are Killing Traditional Publishing by Kristen Lamb

Beginners Guide to Hiring a Freelance Editor by Cassandra Marshall on Pub(lishing) Crawl

The Ultimate #RWA12 Conference Packing List by Jami Gold

What’s Happening With My Publisher Contract? by Rachelle Gardner

Other Round-Ups

The Author Chronicles’ Top Picks Thursday

Stina Lindenblatt’s Cool Links Friday

Roni Loren’s Fill-Me-In Friday

Elizabeth S. Craig’s Twitterific (compilation of all the writing links she’s shared this week – updated on Sundays)

This week on the blog: 


Happy Reading and Writing, everyone!!!
