
Friday, May 11, 2012

A Difficult 24 Hours

My apologies, but today's regular post, This Week in Favs, will not be available.

Wednesday night, around 10:30pm, my husband received a call from his sister. His mother was rushed to the hospital, unresponsive and without a heartbeat. Around 7am Thursday morning, we said good bye. 

This was sudden, shocking, and surreal since my mother-in-law had not been sick. She was young, full of life, laughter, and love, and was the type of mother who took care of everyone - and always before herself. She was the definition of selflessness. She was a nurse and the matriarch of my husband's family. She was the model of what it meant to truly love another person unconditionally, and from the moment I met her (1 week after my husband and I started dating 12 years ago), she welcomed me with warm, loving arms. 

She will be missed, and will forever live on in our hearts. Not a day will go by without thinking of her. 

My husband, Jason, and his mother, Shirley