
Friday, March 23, 2012

This Week in Favs….

Playing on the Zune: Abraham’s Daughter by Arcade Fire from The Hunger Games: Songs from District 12 and Beyond

My apologies for not having the one-sentence breakdowns again this week. Been away all night at the urgent care with a sick hubby. :0(  Enjoy this week’s links and:


Social Media, Author Websites, Platform & Marketing

“Everything Else I Know about Social Media I Also Learned from the Bloggess” by A. Victoria Mixon

“Twitter Tips Part 1: How to Get Followed Back” by Annie Neugebauer

“A Simple and Discreet Way to Transform Your Blog Readers into Customers” by Stanford on Pushing Social

“Goodreads and Other Genuine Publicity Thoughts” by Crystal Patriarche on Writer Unboxed

“5 Ways to Get More Traffic with Content Marketing” by Sonia Simone on Copyblogger

“Stealth Marketing” by Jan Dunlap on WordServe Watercooler

“How Can Modern Writers Become & Stay Visible” by Jody Hedlund

“What Is an Author’s Marketing Responsibility with a Traditional Publisher?” by Jane Friedman

“Understanding Author Platform Part 1 – Making Platform our Art” by Kristen Lamb on Warrior Writers

“Are You Hiding Behind a Wall on Your Blog?” by Roni Loren

“6 Benefits of Blogging” by Lynda R. Young

“The Lazy Blogger’s Guide to Effective Blog SEO” by Stanford on Pushing Social

On the Craft

“Farewell Chapters” by Juliette Wade

“Three Storytelling Lessons from John Carter” by Daniel Swensen on SurlyMuse

“I Can’t Kill the Editor” by James L. Rubart on Novel Rocket

“#Writing 50,000 Inimitable Smiles by Margie Lawson” on More Cowbell

“Want to be More Creative? Stop Focusing” by Patrick Ross on The Artist’s Road

“Believability & Bending the Law” by Julie Musil

“Guest Author Karen Walters: What’s in a Name? How Do You Name Your Characters” on The Other Side of the Story with Janice Hardy

“Ten Things You Should Know About Endings,” “Ten Things You Should Know About Setting,” “Ten Things You Should Know About Writing Screenplays” by Chuck Wendig on Terribleminds

“Ten Questions to Ask When Beginning a Book” by Cheryl Reif

“Should You Write the Whole Book?” by Rachelle Gardner

“The Learning Curve That Keeps on Curving” by Larry Brooks on Storyfix

“How to Find Your Writing Muse” by Mooderino on Moody Writing

“Voice – The Key to Literary Magic Part 1” by Kristen Lamb on Warrior Writers

“How to Plot Without Plotting” by Ava Jae on Writability

“Advanced ‘Write Tight’” by Laura Drake on Writers in the Storm blog

“Four Commandments to Writing Funny” by Joe Bunting on The Write Practice

“Blocking in Dialogue” by Nicole Steinhaus on YA Stands

“Top Ten (Okay Eleven) Things You Should Know About Your Book: Part One” by Faith Hunter on Magical Words

“Worse Than a Prologue?” by Stina Lindenblatt on Seeing Creative

“Why the First Draft is Usually Awful (And Why it’s Ok) by Ava Jae on Writability

“Do You Know the Two Ingredients in a Perfect Ending?” by K.M. Weiland on Wordplay

“What If Our Story Idea Has Already Been Done?” by Jami Gold

“Seven Simple Tips for Writing Great Dialogue” by Ali Luke on Aliventures

“How to Read Your Way to Better Writing” by Susan Bearman on Write it Sideways

“Writing Tools: Cool Finds” by Cheryl Reif

“The Secret Plot” by Lydia Sharp on The Sharp Angle

Writerly Inspiration

“Failure…Use it! On Management of Goals and Plans for Writers” by Yelena Casale on Christine Fonseca’s blog

“Writers Block” by The Plot Whisperer

“Seeking Inspiration” by Lisa Hall-Wilson on Girls with Pens

“Listen to the Book” by James Scott Bell on The Kill Zone

“After the First Book Doesn’t Sign or Sell” by Savannah J. Foley on Pub(lishing) Crawl

“Trust Your Instincts” by Anna Elliott on Writer Unboxed

On Editing, Critiquing, Querying, Publishing and more…

“Using Google Search Terms for Fun and Education” by Jami Gold

“The Exciting Future for Writers” by Elizabeth S. CraIg on Mystery Writing is Murder

“Agents Want to Know – Part 1” by Lynette Labelle

“One Step Back, Two Steps Forward” by Erin Bowman on Pub(lising) Crawl

“How I Lost My Fear of Elevators and Learned to Pitch” by Kathryn Lilley on The Kill Zone

“Scott’s Approach to Pitching – The Things I Learn About You” by Scott Eagan

“What’s a Typical Advance” by Rachelle Gardner

“You’re Agented? Cool! But Can She Sell You?” by Lynn Price on Behler blog

“Hitting the New York Times Bestselling List” by Kat Martin on Writers in the Storm blog

“Going All the Way: Should You Write the Whole Trilogy Before Your Query?” by Janice Hardy on The Other Side of the Story with Janice Hardy

“3 Tips to Prepare Content for New Technologies” by Mary Keeley on Books & Such Literary Agency blog

“Why We Need to Put Our Books to Bed” by Jody Hedlund

This week on the blog:

BONUS – A new Simon’s Cat Cartoon!! 

Happy Reading and Writing, everyone!!!
