
Friday, March 16, 2012

This Week in Favs…

Playing on the Zune:  Kids by MGMT

My apologies, but this week I didn’t do one-sentence sum-ups for each link (still traveling for work). Enjoy and remember to dial for help if you find yourself buried under too many tabs! ;0)

Social Media and Author Websites

“Everything I Know about Social Media I Learned from the Bloggess” by A. Victoria Mixon, Editor

“How to Get Your First 1,000 Blog Readers” by Stanford on Pushing Social

“Is a ‘Niche’ or a ‘Non-Niche’ Blog Right For You?” by Sarah Baughman on Write It Sideways

“Reblogging Etiquette” by Marcy Kennedy on Girls with Pens

“What The Bachelor Can Teach You About Hooking an Audience” by Kerry Jones on Copyblogger

“7 Quirky Ways to Beat Blogger’s Block and Write Your Best Post Ever” by Stanford on Pushing Social

“3 Ways to Keep Social Media from Taking Control of Writing Time” by Jody Hedlund

“10+ Sure-Fire Ways to Find Blog Post Ideas” by Cheryl Reif

“Social Media: Some Tips on the When, Why and How” by Kalayna on Magical Words

“7 Ways to Blogging Will Help You Overcome a Social Media Crisis” by Melissa Agnes on Pushing Social

“The 10 Commandments of Landing Pages that Work” by Steven Lowe on Copyblogger

“The 5 Most Common Author Website Mistakes” guest post by Thomas Umstattd, Jr. on Rachelle Gardner’s blog

“Deadly Doses – Politics, Religion and Our Author Platform” by Kristen Lamb

On the Craft

“Do or Do Not. There is No Try: Clarifying What Your Characters Do” by Janice Hardy

“Write Tip: 8 Key Elements for Capturing The Star Wars Feel in Your Story” by Bryan Thomas Schmidt

“Protecting Our Writing Time” by Elizabeth S. Craig on Mystery Writing is Murder

“Story Structure With a Hole In It” by Joe Bunting on The Write Practice

“On My Writerly Bookshelf” by Stina Lindenblatt on Seeing Creative

“Writing Advice for the New Novelist (Revisited)” by Todd R. Moody on The Verge

“What Do We Mean By ‘Strong Female Characters?’” by Marcy Kennedy

“Writing the Other Scene” on Moody Writing

“Six Ways to Lose Readers Fast” by Daniel Swensen on Surly Muse

“Crafting Memorable Scenes in Fiction” by Martina Boone on Adventures in YA & Children’s Publishing

“Writing Action Sequences: A Process of Layering and Research” by Juliette Wade on TalkToYoUniverse

“Writing Lessons Learned from A TREE GROWS IN BROOKLYN” by Julie Musil

“The Right Way to Expand a Too-Short Piece of Writing” by Ali Luke on Aliventures

“The Big O” by Keith Cronin on Writer Unboxed

“The Point When Everything Changes” by Susan Dennard on Pub(lishing) Crawl

“How to Start a Story The Stephen King Way” on Moody Writing

“Writing a Novel: A Drama Told in Three Acts, With a Prologue and Epilogue” by Sophia Masson on Writer Unboxed

“6 Writing Outline Templates and 3 Reasons to Use Them” by Shannon on Duolit

“What is More Dramatic Than a Fight? by Tiffany Lawson Inman on Jenny Hansen’s blog, Cowbell

“How to be a Writer” by Ava Jae on Writability

Writerly Inspiration

“My Favorite Writing Advice: Feeling In Over Your Head” by Shelli Johnson

“Making Sacrifices as a Writer” by Michelle Davidson Argyle on The Innocent Flower

“25 Things You Should Know About Creativity” by Chuck Wendig on Terribleminds

“How to Boost Your Writing Confidence so You CAN Hit Publish” by James Chartrand on Write to Done

“Know Your Own Writing Journey & Go at Your Own Pace” by Jody Hedlund

“A Lesson in ‘Don’t Write to the Trend’” by Roni Loren

On Editing, Critiquing, Querying, Publishing and more…

“Taming the Revision Beast” by Becca Puglisi on National Novel Editing Month Blog

“Do Authors Have a Right to be Paid?” by Rachelle Gardner

“What Makes a Book a Bestseller?” by Ava Jae on Writability

“How to Handle Criticism” by Lynda R. Young on W.I.P. It: A Writer’s Journey

“The Elephant in the Publishing World” by Lisa Gail Green on Paranormal Point of View

“How to Position Your Book To Go Viral” by Larry Brooks on Storyfix

“Market Mania: Why a Book Flies Off the Shelves” by Nephele Tempest on Writing and Rambling 

“Who Cares about Quality Writing Anymore?” by Jami Gold

“Jockeying for Position in the Muddy Publishing Future” by James Scott Bell on The Kill Zone

“Does Publishing Support the Writer-Artist?”

“Is Taking the Hard Road a ‘Waste'?’” by Jami Gold

This week on the blog:


Happy Reading and Writing, everyone!!!
