
Friday, February 24, 2012

This Week in Favs….

Playing on the Zune: Attack by 30 Seconds to Mars

**Note: My apologies, but one-sentence descriptions are not available this week due to out of state travel for business/day-job. Next week’s a new – and slower (hopefully) – week! :0)

Social Media and Author Websites

“22 Ways to Create Compelling Content When You Don’t Have a Clue [Infographic]” by Copyblogger

“Twitter Tips” by Jessica Faust on the BookEnds, LLC blog

“The 90/10 Promotion Rule: What to Do With the 10%” by Nicola Morgan on Help! I Need a Publisher

“How to Balance Your Social Networking Time” by Lynda R. Young

“Author Websites: Layering Yours with Sticky Extras” by Roni Loren

On the Craft

“Take Your Characters to Therapy” by Tracy Hahn-Burkett on Writer Unboxed

“Ten Obstacles to Creativity – and How to Overcome Them” by Cheryl Reif

“Can We Have Too Much Voice?” by Jami Gold

“What to Write First When Writing Fiction” by Beth Bill on The Editor’s Blog

“Keeping Readers Worried: A Cheat Sheet” by Lynette Labelle

“The Seven Deadly Sins of Prologues” by Kristen Lamb

“Be Careful Just Sitting Down and Writing Words Without Thinking” by Scott Eagan

“How to Restore a Character’s Voice When They Develop Laryngitis” by Jan O’hara on Writer Unboxed

“The Dynamic Character Profile” by Mark Landen

“Craft & Creativity of Writing. Learned or Developed?” by Yvonne Lehman on Novel Rocket

“Casting Your Characters” by Merry Farmer

“Writing About the Dark Side of Humanity” by Jeff Bennington on The Writing Bomb

“A Step-by-Step Approach to Persuasive Writing” by David Masters on Write to Done

“Weather Thesaurus Entry: Flood” by Becca Puglisi on The Bookshelf Muse

“Elevate Your Story Through the Sublime – and Subliminal – Use of Sub-Text” by Larry Brooks on Storyfix

“Outlining for Fun and Word Count” by Daniel Swensen on Surlymuse

“Writing by the Seat of Your Pants” by Carolyn Kaufman on

“How to Tell if Your Story Begins Too Soon” by K.M. Weiland on Wordplay

“And…End Scene: When to Add a Scene Break” by Janice Hardy

“First Paragraph, First Thoughts” by C.S. Lakin on Live Write Thrive

Writerly Inspiration

“25 Things I Want to Say to So-Called ‘Aspiring’ Writers” by Chuck Wendig on Terribleminds

“6 Reasons for Writers to Be Optimistic” by Rachelle Gardner

“How to Be Happy” by Ava Jae on Writability

“You Can Do This” by Rachelle Gardner

“Writers Aren’t Painters They’re Magicians” by Nathan Bransford

On Editing, Critiquing, Querying, Publishing and more…

“The 5 Steps to Writing a Novel that Sells” by Blythe Camenson & Marshall J. Cook

“Making and Learning From My Mistakes with PR” by M.J. Rose on Writer Unboxed

“How to Find an Audience for Your Novel” by Janalyn Voigt on Wordserve Water Cooler

“Those Who can’t – Self-Publish. Really?” by Lisa Hall-Wilson on Girls with Pens

“The Editorial Process – My Experience vs. My Misconceptions” by Mary Lindsey on

“Why a Critique Relationship is Crucial for Better Writing" by Adrienne Giordano, Kelsey Browning, and Tracey Devlyn (of Romance University) on Write to Done

“What If I Love Dystopian Vampires” by Lisa Gail Green on Paranormal Point of View

“The Death of a Genre?” by Lisa Hall-Wilson on Girls with Pens

“Ask Jami: Editing Tips – How to Use Color-Coding” by Jami Gold

“The Busy Writer’s Guide to Time Management” by Jody Hedlund

“Critique Groups – The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly” by Left-Brained Business for Write-Brained People

“13 Ways to Impress an Agent” by Rachelle Gardner

This week on the blog:

Happy Reading and Writing, everyone!!!
