
Thursday, December 15, 2011

A Tiresome, Writerly Holiday….

Happy Friday, everyone!! 

The closer we get to the holidays, the even more busy, stressed, and all-around crazy our surroundings become.  Case in point:  I have been in an all-day meeting today for my day job, and I am writing this from a very comfy hotel room before I head out for our annual Holiday work party.  I have also been working tirelessly – everyday for the last three weeks – on a 40-minute anniversary video for my grandparents 50th Wedding anniversary this weekend. 

So, with that said, it is with deep apologies that I say there will not be a ‘Week In Favs’ post this week….however, I would like to direct you all to four of my favorite weekly round-up posts that also come out on Fridays so that you can be sure to get your fill of the ‘best of the best’ in writing blogs from this week:

Roni Loren’s ‘Fill Me In Friday’
Adventures in Children’s Publishing
Stina Lindenblatt’s ‘Cool Links Friday’
YA Highway’s Friday Road Trip

Again, I do apologize for falling far behind, but as we all know, it’s just that time of year where our attention and time is spread waaaay too thin.  But rest assured, there will be a weekly round-up post next week – as well as another dose of Writerly Wednesday as well.

Happy Reading & Writing Everyone!!
