
Monday, September 26, 2011

Song of the Week: The Promise by In This Moment

Happy Monday everyone!!!

Today's song is one that I haven't been able to stop listening to for the past week! And I must give credit where credit is due: my husband. :)

He found this band after searching for new female-lead rock bands. When he came across this song, he told me that I had to listen to it because it would fuel my writing. And you know what? He was right!!  I'm an urban fantasy and paranormal romance writer, so this song - and the video - was right up my alley!

Hope you enjoy!

Happy Reading & Writing!!!



Tina Moss said...

Nice pick, Melinda! Have you checked out Kamelot or Sonata Arctica? Two progressive metal bands that have the haunting melodies behind them. And I also love Plumb which is Evanescence's inspiration band. :)

Melinda S. Collins said...

Hi Tina!! Thank you :o)
I haven't checked those out just yet - thank you for the recommendations! I'll be checking those out right now! :)))

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