
Monday, August 29, 2011

HUGE Thank You to ‘The Week of the Writer’ Guests..…..And the Song of the Week: Night Air by Jamie Woon

I have to start this post off with a big THANK YOU to my guest writers from last week! 

Each post got other writers thinking about and sharing their own writing processes, tips and ideas, and a fellow writer/blogger, Merry Farmer, decided to join in on the celebration by sharing the ‘whys’ of her writing on her blog, A Writer’s Adventure Through Life.

Needless to say, The Week of the Writer was a HUGE success!

This could not have been achieved without each one of these fabulously talented writers who shared a little more about why they write, what they've learned along the way, and how we can apply it to our own writing. And I thoroughly enjoyed learning more about each one of them through these posts.  

Thank you J.C. Fiske, Jami Gold, Tina Moss, Lisa Gail Green and S.P. Sipal, for celebrating the craft and the writer’s life with everyone!

I’m definitely looking forward doing this again soon! :0)

P.S. In case you missed any of their posts, a link is attached to each name.

Now, for the Song of the Week……

Night Air by Jamie Woon

I have to admit I’ve been wearing this song out the last few days. I’ve been in bed, sick as a dog all weekend, and this song has been playing in the background whenever I was awake. Something about it got me moving, just a little, to either read, write or edit even though my brain didn’t really feel like it at times.


Happy Reading & Writing everyone!!!



Lisa Gail Green said...

It was a great idea, and I feel honored to have been included! Thanks to everyone for all the wonderfully inspiring posts!

Isis Rushdan said...

Really great posts last week.

Thanks for introducing me to a new song.

Hope you are feeling better :).

Isis Rushdan said...

Just listened to the song. I actually know it. My husband introduced me to it about a month ago. Isn't it awesome!

Melinda S. Collins said...

Hi Isis!! Thanks for stopping by and commenting! I'm feeling a little better today...still fighting a nasty cold, but it's getting better to deal with :)
Yes! This song is definitely awesome! I LOVE writing particular scenes with it in the background! :)

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