
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Better Late Than Never…. Song of the Week & Other Updates


Greetings and salutations!

Long time no blog! Yes, I know, I didn’t post a book review this past Monday, thus my reason for an ‘update’.

Last Friday, I spent a day away from work (an official vacation day) to write. In return, I finished the first draft of my book, ending with a total of 77,000 words.

Yessss!!!!! Woo-Hoo! *throws confetti*

Now, the hard fun part: Edits & Re-Writes Smile with tongue out

I began editing and re-writing this past Sunday, and may I just say that I feel like a nerd because I know this is supposed to be frustrating, a headache, yada, yada, yada, but, I’m having just as much with edits and re-writes as I did with researching and writing the book. My word count has now grown up to 77,800 words and I’m only 4 chapters in! 

Thus the reason that I have not been reading *too* much (other than catching up on The Black Dagger Brotherhood books). And when I say *too* much, that means I’m no longer reading two books at a time, and am slowly working through one book at a time. 

Striking while the iron is hot (so to speak), I’m going to continue on this path that’s running 90mph and edit, edit, edit, re-write, re-write, re-write. I do plan on finishing and reviewing Goddess With A Blade – just not within the next few days. Who knows….tomorrow my muse could decide to take a small vacay on me, and I’ll be posting a review again next week.

Until then, I will be stopping in every few days to share my thoughts, progress on my edits and re-writes, posting/sharing links for favorite music and/or videos, and, especially, sharing my favorite part of the week on the blog: ‘This Week In Favs….’

Now, onto the ‘Song of the Week’:

During the re-writing process on Sunday, my MC was being hit hard. I mean, world-falling-apart, punch-in-the-heart hard (and this is just within in the first two chapters).

While re-writing these pivotal scenes, I found myself listening to ‘Heavy in Your Arms’ by Florence and the Machine over and over again as the tears were pouring……flat-out balling.

Therefore, this week’s song is ‘Heavy in Your Arms’. For me, a strong song has the ability to either bring you up when you’re down, make you shake your booty (even while driving), or evoke a strong emotional response, whether that’s crying tears of sorrow or joy.

Once again, please share your favorite songs that you like to read, write, drive, or boogie to! 

And as always……

Happy Reading!



S.P. Sipal said...

Congrats on finishing your first draft, Melinda! It's great that you enjoy the revisions. I sure don't enjoy my first time back through. The dreck! After that, especially around the 6th time thru, it gets better for me. :-)

I'm been meaning to ask, where did you get your masthead pic? Did you do it?

Melinda S. Collins said...

Thank you, Susan! :)
We'll see if this positiveness keeps going. For all I know, it could wear off in about a week. LOL

The hubby picked out the pic....I think he found it online. I wish one of were that talented. :)

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