
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Ahhh! I’m Finally Here!


Greetings and Salutations!

Welcome to my blog: Muse, Rant, Rave

What do I mean about finally being here? Well, I’ve been meaning to set this up for a few months. Katie W is actually responsible for inspiring me to get off my lazy butt make time in my insanely busy schedule and do it! So…many thanks to Katie. Be sure to stop by her blog, KT’s Korner, and say ‘hello’.

Beginning on Monday, I will begin my journey of daily posts which will range between books, music, movies, and TV – but beware! There will be a fair amount of lit talk since I am an aspiring author and avid reader. Eventually, I will get to a point of having a weekly book review on Mondays, a ‘Song of the Week’ on Tuesdays, and ‘The Week in Favs’ on Fridays. (Wednesday and Thursday are still open) <--- I am always open to ideas, suggestions, requests, and guest blogs.

Here’s one of my favorite vids to get this blog started, though totally non-lit related, and a must since my darling son-of-a-cat does this on a daily basis.

Simon’s Cat

I look forward to sharing, discussing, ranting, and raving with all of you!



S.P. Sipal said...

Hi Melinda! I look forward to getting to know you. Love the Simon's cat video! I've got a son-of-a-cat at home to, named Crookshanks. (I know, I'm sooo original :-).
Welcome to the blogging world!

Melinda S. Collins said...

Thank you for the warm welcome and the follow! Yes, I love the Simon's Cat videos...he has a few more out there also. You should check them out!
I'm sure you little one's name fits his personality perfectly. ;)

I look forward to getting to know you too! :)

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